Welcome to Our New Shopify Website

North Carolina Energy Reform is  excited to launch our newly designed Shopify ecommerce website! 

We partnered with TheeDigital, an award-winning ecommerce web design and ecommerce SEO agency to create an online store that looks great and captures our brand and vision, but also offers a fun, easy shopping experience for our customers. Plus, we also wanted the ability to keep up with our inventory and operations all in one place so we could spend more time making our store even better!

Our new Shopify website surpassed our expectations by offering a variety of features that we hope you’ll love as much as we do!

An Attractive, Intuitive Layout

Our main goal was to have a website where our customers enjoyed shopping. We envisioned a clean, modern design that was organized intuitively, so you could find exactly what you’re looking for quickly and easily. This includes specific products, but also shipping information, your account information and more, no matter if you’re on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone.  Our website features responsive web design technology, so you can read product information, check out images, and have all the same functionality no matter what screen you’re using. 

Organized Products for Easy Shopping

We love that Shopify lets us have unlimited products on our website, so we can always add new things that our customers want. Plus, we can add customized product descriptions, assign categories to each product, and even add variables like size and color. Whether you know exactly what you want, you know generally what you’re looking for, or you’re scanning a category, your search is a snap!   

Up-To-Date Inventory Information

Because Shopify lets us manage our inventory right from our ecommerce website, our on-hand numbers are always accurate, and we can take a proactive approach to our inventory. This means that we get alerts when we’re running low so we can re-stock quickly, start a wait list if we do run out, and make sure you never face the disappointment that comes from buying something, only to find out it’s on backorder or out of stock. 

Digital Downloads

Our digital downloads are easy to order and access. Once you purchase a digital product, you get immediate access to a link to download the file. Your digital download will also be in your purchase history information. 

Search Engine Optimization

Google and other search engines look at dozens of factors when it comes to ranking search engine results, including page load times, intuitive organization, and smart keyword usage. The internet marketing team at TheeDigital improved all of these factors and more to leverage Shopify’s search engine optimization features so our store is easy to find, whether you’re looking for us by name or searching for the products we carry. 

Advanced Photo Options and Galleries

We know a picture is worth a thousand words, especially when it comes to buying something online! You should know exactly what you’re getting, just like you do in a physical store, which is why we can offer multiple images that you can zoom in on easily. We also have the option to add customer-submitted photos and our products in action.  

Simple, Secure Checkout

Keeping your personal information and financial information secure is our top priority. To keep your data safe and protected, our website is SSL-certified. This means financial data, like credit card information and transaction history  is heavily encrypted and protected with bank-level security.

Integrating Sales and Gift Cards

We know you love to save money, and we love to help you save! Shopify lets us run customized promotions, including site-wide sales, product promotions, and even send out individual coupon codes.  With our gift cards, you can do all your holiday shopping in one place and send them to people on your list!

 Social Media Integration

Our Shopify website is linked to our social media accounts so if you follow us on social media, you’ll have access to special announcements and updates that bring you right to the product being advertised. Plus, we can even add products directly to Facebook so you can make a purchase there without having to navigate away! 

Homepage Slideshow to Promote Featured Content

We love our new slideshow at the top of our home page so we can feature a new service or run a promotion and make sure no one misses out. It’s right there on the homepage so it’s the first thing you see when you visit, so you don’t have to search everywhere for additional information. Plus, it’s easy to swap out the slides and images as we change our featured content.

We are proud of our new COMPANY website, and we hope you like it, too! When we decided to take the leap and update our website, we met with TheeDigital and felt confident that they understood our goals – creating an excellent customer experience, improving communication with you, and being able to reach a broad audience. They were not only able to help us realize our goals, they created a website that perfectly represents our brand and values.

Be sure to browse around and explore some of the new features check out our photos and videos about PRODUCT.